Abundance records of polychaete taxa (family: Aphroditides, Polynoids) from trawl samples in the Weddell Sea and neighbouring seas during POLARSTERN cruises ANT-I/2, ANT-II/4, ANT-V/3-4, ANT-VII/4, ANT-IX/3 and ANT-X/3 between 1983 and 1992

The data set comprises a total of 3,240 records of abundance of 24 polychaete taxa of the families Aphroditides and Polynoids (88 % of the taxa were identified at species or subspecies level). The data were collected in the Southern Ocean, i.e. the Weddell Sea, the Lazarev Sea and the plateau region of South Orkney (depth range: 126 - 2025 m). A total of 135 trawls (Agassiz trawl, bottom trawl, dredge, benthopelagic trawl) were used during RV "Polarstern" cruises ANT I/2 (1983), ANT II/4 (1983/84), ANT V/3 and 4 (1986/87), ANT VII/4 (1989), ANT IX/3 (1990/91) and ANT X/3 (1992).
