Dataset Groups Activity Stream Depth to the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) beneath the Malawi Rift and surroundings generated from spectral analysis of WGM2012 Bouguer gravity anomalies BibTex: @dataset{Njinju_Emmanuel_A_and_Atekwana_Estella_A_and_Stamps_D_Sarah_and_Abdelsalam_Mohamed_G_and_Atekwana_Eliot_A_and_Mickus_Kevin_L_and_Fishwick_Stewart_and_Kolawole_Folarin_and_Rajaonarison_Tahiry_A_and_Nyalugwe_Victor_N_2019, author = {Njinju, Emmanuel A and Atekwana, Estella A and Stamps, D Sarah and Abdelsalam, Mohamed G and Atekwana, Eliot A and Mickus, Kevin L and Fishwick, Stewart and Kolawole, Folarin and Rajaonarison, Tahiry A and Nyalugwe, Victor N}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.905098}, institution = {PANGAEA (Geophysics)}, keyword = {'LAB', 'Malawi', 'Moho', 'gravity'}, title = {Depth to the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) beneath the Malawi Rift and surroundings generated from spectral analysis of WGM2012 Bouguer gravity anomalies}, url = {}, year = {2019} }