Ground Temperature Map, 2000-2016, Andes, New Zealand and East African Plateau Permafrost

The product provides modeled mean annual ground temperatures (MAGT) at the top of the permafrost for Andes, New Zealand and East African Plateau at 1 km spatial resolution. Permafrost probability (fraction values from 0 to 1) is assigned to each grid cell with MAGT < 0°C. The processing extent covers the unglaciated parts of the mountainous areas. The mean MAGT was validated with borehole ground temperature data for the Northern Hemisphere and yielded a RMS of 2 °C. No borehole data for validation was available for Andes, New Zealand or East African Plateau. Following files are provided in geotiff format: - Mean Annual Ground Temperature (MAGTM) [C°] - MAGT Standard Deviation (MAGTSTD) [C°] - Permafrost Probability Fraction (PERPROB) [Fraction, 0-1] for each of the regions separately. Files are provided in South America Lambert Conformal Conic projection for Andes, in Africa Lambert Conformal Conic projection for East African Plateau and New Zealand Transverse Mercator UTM Zone 59S for New Zealand. More Information about the modelling method can be found in the product guide. The map was produced within the project ESA Data User Element GlobPermafrost.
