Clumped isotope measurements of Mesozoic belemnites from southern high latitudes
Here, we present the results of the clumped isotope measurements of 11 latest Jurassic to Early Cretaceous belemnites from DSDP Site 511, along with the results of carbonate reference materials (ETH1-4, Carrara, MuStd) and equilibrated gases (25 °C and 1000 °C). Carbonate digestion at 90 °C and subsequent CO2 purification was done on an automated line connected to a ThermoFisher MAT 253 isotope ratio mass spectrometer. We present the raw isotope values calculated using both the [Gonfiantini/Santrock] and the [Brand]/IUPAC isotopic parameters. The raw data is projected onto the carbon dioxide equilibrium scale (CDES) using the equilibrated gases and without applying any acid fractionation factor to the final values. The origin of sample material, sample preparation methods, and mass spectrometry procedures are further detailed in the associated files and the linked article: Vickers et al. (2019).