Dataset Groups Activity Stream (Supplement 1) Ice nucleating particles in the surface microlayer at the Ocean Station, Cape Verde BibTex: @dataset{Gong_Xianda_and_Wex_Heike_and_van_Pinxteren_Manuela_and_Triesch_Nadja_and_Fomba_Khanneh_Wadinga_and_Lubitz_Jasmin_and_Stolle_Christian_and_Robinson_Tiera-Brandy_and_Müller_Thomas_and_Herrmann_Hartmut_and_Stratmann_Frank_2019, author = {Gong, Xianda and Wex, Heike and van Pinxteren, Manuela and Triesch, Nadja and Fomba, Khanneh Wadinga and Lubitz, Jasmin and Stolle, Christian and Robinson, Tiera-Brandy and Müller, Thomas and Herrmann, Hartmut and Stratmann, Frank}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.907002}, institution = {PANGAEA (Atmosphere)}, keyword = {'Ice Nucleating Particles', 'biological particles', 'sea spray aerosol', 'sea surface microlayer', 'underlying water'}, title = {(Supplement 1) Ice nucleating particles in the surface microlayer at the Ocean Station, Cape Verde}, url = {}, year = {2019} }