Dataset Groups Activity Stream SST (TEX86L) analysis of core MD11-3357 from the Marion Dufresne cruise MD185 (Indien Sud 2) BibTex: @dataset{Thöle_Lena_M_and_Amsler_Helen_Eri_and_Moretti_Simone_and_Auderset_Alexandra_and_Gilgannon_James_and_Lippold_Jörg_and_Vogel_Hendrik_and_Crosta_Xavier_and_Mazaud_Alain_and_Michel_Elisabeth_and_Martínez-García_Alfredo_and_Jaccard_Samuel_L_2019, author = {Thöle, Lena M and Amsler, Helen Eri and Moretti, Simone and Auderset, Alexandra and Gilgannon, James and Lippold, Jörg and Vogel, Hendrik and Crosta, Xavier and Mazaud, Alain and Michel, Elisabeth and Martínez-García, Alfredo and Jaccard, Samuel L}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.907123}, institution = {PANGAEA (Geophysics)}, keyword = {'Antarctic Zone', 'Southern Ocean', 'Subantarctic zone', 'glacial-interglacial changes', 'iron fertilization'}, title = {SST (TEX86L) analysis of core MD11-3357 from the Marion Dufresne cruise MD185 (Indien Sud 2)}, url = {}, year = {2019} }