Dataset Groups Activity Stream Magnetic and Beryllium chronostratigraphy of Quaternary sediment core samples of Lake Acigöl BibTex: @dataset{Demory_François_and_Rambeau_Claire_and_Lebatard_Anne-Elisabeth_and_Perrin_Mireille_and_Blawal_Syed_and_Andrieu-Ponel_Valerie_and_Rochette_Pierre_and_Alçiçek_Hülya_and_Boulbes_Nicolas_and_Bourlès_Didier_L_and_Helvaci_Cahit_and_Petschick_Rainer_and_Mayda_Serdar_and_Moigne_Anne-Marie_and_Nomade_Sébastien_and_Ponel_Philippe_and_Vialet_Amélie_and_Alçiçek_Mehmet_Cihat_and_ASTER_Team__2019, author = {Demory, François and Rambeau, Claire and Lebatard, Anne-Elisabeth and Perrin, Mireille and Blawal, Syed and Andrieu-Ponel, Valerie and Rochette, Pierre and Alçiçek, Hülya and Boulbes, Nicolas and Bourlès, Didier L and Helvaci, Cahit and Petschick, Rainer and Mayda, Serdar and Moigne, Anne-Marie and Nomade, Sébastien and Ponel, Philippe and Vialet, Amélie and Alçiçek, Mehmet Cihat and ASTER Team, }, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.907652}, institution = {PANGAEA (Land Surface)}, keyword = {'Lake sediment', 'Paleoenvironmental reconstructions', 'Paleomagnetic dating', 'Quaternary paleoclimatic records', 'Turkey'}, title = {Magnetic and Beryllium chronostratigraphy of Quaternary sediment core samples of Lake Acigöl}, url = {}, year = {2019} }