Dataset Groups Activity Stream Description of sediment core BC from bay Caribe in the western Magellan fjord system BibTex: @dataset{Rios_Francisco_and_Kilian_Rolf_and_Lange_Carina_Beatriz_and_Baeza-Urrea_Oscar_and_Arz_Helge_Wolfgang_and_Zindorf_Mark_and_De_Pol-Holz_Ricardo_and_Lamy_Frank_2019, author = {Rios, Francisco and Kilian, Rolf and Lange, Carina Beatriz and Baeza-Urrea, Oscar and Arz, Helge Wolfgang and Zindorf, Mark and De Pol-Holz, Ricardo and Lamy, Frank}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.907972}, institution = {PANGAEA (Oceans)}, keyword = {'Carbon accumulation', 'Holocene', 'shallow fjords', 'western Patagonia'}, title = {Description of sediment core BC from bay Caribe in the western Magellan fjord system}, url = {}, year = {2019} }