An 1800-year alkenone-based reconstruction of sea surface temperature from the San Lazaro (Soledad) Basin Baja California, Mexico

PCM00-78 box (C) and Kasten (KII-IV) cores were taken in the San Lazaro Basin (SLB) (sometimes referred to as the Soledad Basin) at (25° 10'N, 112° 45'W). The SLB is a suboxic fault-bounded basin 50 km offshore of the Baja California peninsula, with a surface area of ~3000 km2 and a water depth of 540 m. Weak-to-absent bioturbation promotes the preservation of laminated sediments, facilitating high-resolution SST reconstruction. Box core PCM00-78C was stratigraphically tied to Kasten core PCM00-KI via natural Pb decay and reconstructed SST measurements are reported here on a composite depth scale covering all sediment cores. Additional age control is provided by 137Cs and radiocarbon measurements (see manuscript for further details).
