Long-term photographic observations of deep demersal fishes at the DELOS observatories, Angolan Continental Margin (2009 - 2016)
These data list the fish counts and densities observed using time-lapse cameras at the two DELOS observatory platforms, located at 1400 m water depth on the Angolan continental margin between February 2009 and July 2016. Timelapse photographs were captured from both the "Near Field" (NF; 7.90°S, 12.14°E) and "Far Field" (FF; 7.95°S, 12.28°E) DELOS observatories using a Kongsberg OE14-208 5.1 megapixel digital camera and a Kongsberg OE11-242 flash. Where appropriate: Fish counts are listed as no. individuals observed per photograph. Fish densities are listed as no. individuals observed per photograph, per calendar month, and multiplied by 1000. The DELOS platforms (DELOS A and DELOS B) are under Angolan jurisdiction and all activities must abide by Angolan law. As such, any person intending to publish DELOS data in any form is required to obtain prior permission from the National Concessionaire (Sonangol). Permission can be requested via Robert O'Brien at BP UK (Robert.OBrien@uk.bp.com) or the DELOS PI Dr. David Bailey (David.Bailey@glasgow.ac.uk). This process is not intended as a deterrent and applications to use DELOS data are welcomed. Participating Institutions: BP Exploration, BP Angola, University of Aberdeen, MBARI, National Oceanography Centre, INIP - Angola Instituto Nacional de Investigação Pesqueira (Angolan National Institute of Fisheries), Texas A&M University, Glasgow University