Dataset Groups Activity Stream Neodymium isotope data extracted from different phases of sediment core AII107-65GGC: weak leach, strong leach, and bulk detritus BibTex: @dataset{Pöppelmeier_Frerk_and_Gutjahr_Marcus_and_Blaser_Patrick_and_Oppo_Delia_W_and_Jaccard_Samuel_L_and_Regelous_Marcel_and_Huang_Kuo-Fang_and_Süfke_Finn_and_Lippold_Jörg_2019, author = {Pöppelmeier, Frerk and Gutjahr, Marcus and Blaser, Patrick and Oppo, Delia W and Jaccard, Samuel L and Regelous, Marcel and Huang, Kuo-Fang and Süfke, Finn and Lippold, Jörg}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.909875}, institution = {PANGAEA (Geophysics)}, title = {Neodymium isotope data extracted from different phases of sediment core AII107-65GGC: weak leach, strong leach, and bulk detritus}, url = {}, year = {2019} }