Dataset Groups Activity Stream (Table 3) Ar/Ar dating on muscovite results BibTex: @dataset{Dusséaux_Camille_and_Gébelin_Aude_and_Boulvais_Philippe_and_Ruffet_Gilles_and_Poujol_Marc_and_Cogné_Nathan_and_Branquet_Yannick_and_Mottram_Catherine_and_Barou_Fabrice_and_Mulch_Andreas_2024, author = {Dusséaux, Camille and Gébelin, Aude and Boulvais, Philippe and Ruffet, Gilles and Poujol, Marc and Cogné, Nathan and Branquet, Yannick and Mottram, Catherine and Barou, Fabrice and Mulch, Andreas}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.910321}, institution = {PANGAEA (Lithosphere)}, keyword = {'39Ar', '40Ar', 'Apatite', 'EBSD', 'Ms', 'Pb', 'Th', 'Ti', 'hydrogen isotope', 'in', 'monazite', 'muscovite', 'quartz', 'tourmaline', 'zircon'}, month = {nov}, title = {(Table 3) Ar/Ar dating on muscovite results}, url = {}, year = {2024} }