Dataset Groups Activity Stream Response of the microbial food web to gradients of organic matter and grazing pressure effect in incubation experiments in the Mediterranean: Mesocosm BibTex: @dataset{Kankus_Janset_and_Bizsel_Nihayet_and_Bizsel_Kemal_Can_and_Besiktepe_Sengul_and_Leiknes_Øystein_and_Sanchez_Nicolas_and_Kuttivadakkethil_Avarachen_Mathew_and_Tsagaraki_Tatiana_M_and_Thingstad_Tron_Frede_and_Hopwood_Mark_James_and_King_Andrew_L_and_Reggiani_Emanuele_Roberto_and_Cuevas_L_Antonio_and_Ardelan_Murat_V_2020, author = {Kankus, Janset and Bizsel, Nihayet and Bizsel, Kemal Can and Besiktepe, Sengul and Leiknes, Øystein and Sanchez, Nicolas and Kuttivadakkethil Avarachen, Mathew and Tsagaraki, Tatiana M and Thingstad, Tron Frede and Hopwood, Mark James and King, Andrew L and Reggiani, Emanuele Roberto and Cuevas, L Antonio and Ardelan, Murat V}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.911172}, institution = {PANGAEA (Ecology)}, keyword = {'Arctic', 'Climate change', 'Marine ecosystems', 'Mediterranean', 'Microbial Food Web', 'climatic', 'fjords', 'multi', 'non', 'stressors'}, title = {Response of the microbial food web to gradients of organic matter and grazing pressure effect in incubation experiments in the Mediterranean: Mesocosm}, url = {}, year = {2020} }