Dataset Groups Activity Stream Stipe morphology of Lessonia berteroana collected in Playa Blanca in 2017 and within-stipe distribution of breakages and amphipod domiciles BibTex: @dataset{Gutow_Lars_and_Poore_Alistair_G_B_and_Díaz_Poblete_Manuel_A_and_Villalobos_Vieia_and_Thiel_Martin_2024, author = {Gutow, Lars and Poore, Alistair G B and Díaz Poblete, Manuel A and Villalobos, Vieia and Thiel, Martin}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.911736}, institution = {PANGAEA (Biological Classification)}, keyword = {'Ampithoidae', 'Kelp', 'Phaeophyceae', 'Plant', 'algal detritus', 'herbivore interaction', 'mesograzers'}, month = {nov}, title = {Stipe morphology of Lessonia berteroana collected in Playa Blanca in 2017 and within-stipe distribution of breakages and amphipod domiciles}, url = {}, year = {2024} }