Dataset Groups Activity Stream (Supplement 5) Aerosol backscatter coefficient (at 532 nm) measurements in the Atlantic of the 1991 Mt Pinatubo aerosol cloud from Professor Vize BibTex: @dataset{Antuña-Marrero_Juan_Carlos_and_Mann_Graham_W_and_Keckhut_Philippe_and_Avdyushin_Sergey_I_and_Nardi_Bruno_and_Thomason_Larry_W_2020, author = {Antuña-Marrero, Juan Carlos and Mann, Graham W and Keckhut, Philippe and Avdyushin, Sergey I and Nardi, Bruno and Thomason, Larry W}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.912780}, institution = {PANGAEA (Atmosphere)}, keyword = {'My Pinatubo', 'lidar aerosols backscattering', 'lidar aerosols extinction', 'stratospheric aesosols'}, title = {(Supplement 5) Aerosol backscatter coefficient (at 532 nm) measurements in the Atlantic of the 1991 Mt Pinatubo aerosol cloud from Professor Vize}, url = {}, year = {2020} }