Dataset Groups Activity Stream Meteorological observations between February 24th to March 26th 2017 in northern Patagonia BibTex: @dataset{Penchenat_Tiphaine_and_Vimeux_Françoise_and_Daux_Valérie_and_Cattani_Olivier_and_Viale_Maximiliano_and_Villalba_Ricardo_and_Srur_Ana_and_Outrequin_Clément_2020, author = {Penchenat, Tiphaine and Vimeux, Françoise and Daux, Valérie and Cattani, Olivier and Viale, Maximiliano and Villalba, Ricardo and Srur, Ana and Outrequin, Clément}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.914067}, institution = {PANGAEA (Atmosphere)}, keyword = {'Stable isotopes', 'leaf', 'rain', 'river', 'tree', 'water vapor'}, title = {Meteorological observations between February 24th to March 26th 2017 in northern Patagonia}, url = {}, year = {2020} }