Dataset Groups Activity Stream Radiocarbon dates of sediment profile NTG16 from the northern Alps (Nesseltalgraben, Germany) BibTex: @dataset{Mayr_Christoph_and_Stojakowits_Philipp_and_Lempe_Bernhard_and_Blaauw_Maarten_and_Diersche_Volker_and_Grohganz_Madleen_and_López_Correa_Matthias_and_Ohlendorf_Christian_and_Reimer_Paula_J_and_Zolitschka_Bernd_2020, author = {Mayr, Christoph and Stojakowits, Philipp and Lempe, Bernhard and Blaauw, Maarten and Diersche, Volker and Grohganz, Madleen and López Correa, Matthias and Ohlendorf, Christian and Reimer, Paula J and Zolitschka, Bernd}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.914107}, institution = {PANGAEA (Land Surface)}, keyword = {'Central Europe', 'Dansgaard', 'Glaciation', 'Grain', 'Greenland interstadials', 'Lacustrine', 'Middle Wrmian', 'Oeschger cycles', 'Pleistocene', 'paleoclimatology', 'palustrine sediment', 'radiocarbon dating', 'size analyses'}, title = {Radiocarbon dates of sediment profile NTG16 from the northern Alps (Nesseltalgraben, Germany)}, url = {}, year = {2020} }