Uranium-series (calculated) ages obtained from cold-water coral fragments collected from coral mounds of the Belgica coral mound province

Table 4. Uranium-series (calculated) ages obtained from cold-water coral fragments collected from coral mounds of the Belgica coral mound province (PO: Poseidon, LH: Lion's Head, GA: Galway, PX: Pollux; for position see Fig. 1B). Supplemented are 232Th concentrations and decay corrected 234U/238U activity ratios (δ234U(i); calculated from the given ages and with λ234U: 2.8263×10−6 yr−1). Note: 22 ages are reliable (R) with δ234U(i) values of 146.8±10‰ (modern seawater; Andersen et al. 2010); 11 ages ranging between 200 and 650 ka BP are unreliable and only presented in the Supplementary Material.
