Dataset Groups Activity Stream Susceptibility values of high resolution magnetic susceptibility record of the (penultimate and) last glacial cycles at the Süttő loess section, in Hungary 2009 BibTex: @dataset{Novothny_Ágnes_and_Frechen_Manfred_and_Horváth_Erzsébet_and_Wacha_Lara_and_Rolf_Christian_2020, author = {Novothny, Ágnes and Frechen, Manfred and Horváth, Erzsébet and Wacha, Lara and Rolf, Christian}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.915582}, institution = {PANGAEA (Land Surface)}, keyword = {'Hungary', 'Loess', 'Magnetic susceptibility', 'Stt'}, title = {Susceptibility values of high resolution magnetic susceptibility record of the (penultimate and) last glacial cycles at the Süttő loess section, in Hungary 2009}, url = {}, year = {2020} }