Dataset Groups Activity Stream Surface Chl a concentrations of the western tropical North Atlantic where mooring sites M4 and M5 were located BibTex: @dataset{Korte_Laura_F_and_Brummer_Geert-Jan_A_and_van_der_Does_Michèlle_and_Guerreiro_Catarina_V_and_Mienis_Furu_and_Munday_Chris_I_and_Ponsoni_Leandro_and_Schouten_Stefan_and_Stuut_Jan-Berend_W_2020, author = {Korte, Laura F and Brummer, Geert-Jan A and van der Does, Michèlle and Guerreiro, Catarina V and Mienis, Furu and Munday, Chris I and Ponsoni, Leandro and Schouten, Stefan and Stuut, Jan-Berend W}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.918167}, institution = {PANGAEA (Oceans)}, keyword = {'Atlantic Ocean', 'Sediment traps', 'argo float', 'particle export', 'primary production', 'satellite data'}, title = {Surface Chl a concentrations of the western tropical North Atlantic where mooring sites M4 and M5 were located}, url = {}, year = {2020} }