Dataset Groups Activity Stream Table 2: Revised offsets of ODP Hole 208-1264A BibTex: @dataset{Drury_Anna_Joy_and_Liebrand_Diederik_and_Westerhold_Thomas_and_Beddow_Helen_M_and_Hodell_David_A_and_Rohlfs_Nina_and_Wilkens_Roy_H_and_Lyle_Mitchell_W_and_Bell_David_B_and_Kroon_Dick_and_Pälike_Heiko_and_Lourens_Lucas_Joost_2020, author = {Drury, Anna Joy and Liebrand, Diederik and Westerhold, Thomas and Beddow, Helen M and Hodell, David A and Rohlfs, Nina and Wilkens, Roy H and Lyle, Mitchell W and Bell, David B and Kroon, Dick and Pälike, Heiko and Lourens, Lucas Joost}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.919490}, institution = {PANGAEA (Atmosphere)}, keyword = {'Carbonate', 'IODP', 'Miocene', 'ODP Site 1264', 'ODP Site 1265', 'Ocean Drilling', 'Oligocene', 'Pleistocene', 'Pliocene', 'South Atlantic'}, title = {Table 2: Revised offsets of ODP Hole 208-1264A}, url = {}, year = {2020} }