Age model, d18O, declination, inclination, MAD and RPI from ODP Site 172-1063, Bermuda Rise
An age model for the Brunhes Chron for Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1063 (Bermuda Rise) is based on the tandem correlation of oxygen isotope (from G. ruber) and relative paleointensity data to calibrated reference templates. Four intervals in the Brunhes Chron where component inclinations are negative for both u-channel samples and discrete samples are correlated to the following magnetic excursions with Site 1063 ages in brackets: Laschamp (41 ka), Blake (116 ka), Iceland Basin (190 ka), Pringle Falls (239 ka). These ages are consistent with current age estimates for these excursions, other than for "Pringle Falls" which has an apparent age older than a current estimate by ~20-30 kyrs. For each of these excursions (termed Category 1 excursions), virtual geomagnetic poles (VGPs) reach high southerly latitudes implying paired polarity reversals of the Earth's main dipole in a brief time span (<2 kyr in each case) that is several times shorter than the observed duration of long-lived polarity transitions. Several intervals of low component inclinations, that are low and negative in one case, are observed both in u-channel and discrete samples at ~318 ka (MIS 9), ~412 ka (MIS 11) and in the 500-600 ka interval (MIS 14-15). These Category 2 excursions may constitute inadequately recorded excursions, or high amplitude secular variation.