Dataset Groups Activity Stream Reconstructed data on the summer partial pressure of carbon dioxide from the South China Sea, 2000 to 2017 BibTex: @dataset{Wang_Guizhi_and_Shen_Samuel_S_P_and_Chen_Yao_and_Qin_Huan_and_Bai_Yan_and_Chen_Baoshan_and_Guo_Xianghui_and_Dai_Minhan_2020, author = {Wang, Guizhi and Shen, Samuel S P and Chen, Yao and Qin, Huan and Bai, Yan and Chen, Baoshan and Guo, Xianghui and Dai, Minhan}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.921209}, institution = {PANGAEA (Lithosphere)}, keyword = {'Sea surface partial pressure of CO2', 'South China Sea', 'empirical orthogonal function', 'reconstruction', 'spectral optimal gridding'}, title = {Reconstructed data on the summer partial pressure of carbon dioxide from the South China Sea, 2000 to 2017}, url = {}, year = {2020} }