Airborne Radar and Firn Density Profiles in West Central Greenland from 2006 to 2017

This dataset is constituted of radar profiles acquired using Ku-band radar ASIRAS and Ka-band radar KAREN along the EGIG line in West Central Greenland as part of the ESA CryoVEx campaigns in 2006, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2017. This dataset consists of NetCDF files with the radar backscatter profiles along the EGIG line and various parameters describing the degree of radar penetration (depth at which power falls below 1% of maximum surface return, width of the OCOG retracking algorithm and number of layers recorded with a power higher than 10% of the maximum surface return). The two-way travel time of the radar was converted to depth below the ice sheet surface using the firn density outputs from MAR. The MAR firn density profiles used to perform the radar travel time to depth conversion are included in this dataset. In addition, the IMAU-FDM firn density profiles from 2016 and 2017 are also included, with the chronology of the firn column given for the 2017 profile. Density measured from in-situ firn cores and used to validate the two firn density models are included in this dataset. The radar data and the firn cores were collected as part of the ESA CryoVEx campaigns.
