Dataset Groups Activity Stream Water parameters measured during exposure experiments on the cellular metabolism of the great scallop Pecten maximus BibTex: @dataset{Götze_Sandra_and_Bock_Christian_and_Eymann_Charlotte_and_Lannig_Gisela_and_Steffen_Jennifer_B_M_and_Pörtner_Hans-Otto_2020, author = {Götze, Sandra and Bock, Christian and Eymann, Charlotte and Lannig, Gisela and Steffen, Jennifer B M and Pörtner, Hans-Otto}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.921714}, institution = {PANGAEA (Biological Classification)}, keyword = {'1H NMR Metabolomics', 'Ocean climate change', 'Palaeo', 'metabolic pathways', 'physiology'}, title = {Water parameters measured during exposure experiments on the cellular metabolism of the great scallop Pecten maximus}, url = {}, year = {2020} }