Dataset Groups Activity Stream Relative abundances of Argon isotopes and geochronological data from volcanic rocks of the Vate Trough and New Hebrides Island arc BibTex: @dataset{Haase_Karsten_M_and_Gress_M_U_and_Lima_S_M_and_Regelous_Marcel_and_Beier_Christoph_and_Romer_Rolf_L_and_Bellon_Herve_2020, author = {Haase, Karsten M and Gress, M U and Lima, S M and Regelous, Marcel and Beier, Christoph and Romer, Rolf L and Bellon, Herve}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.922015}, institution = {PANGAEA (Lithosphere)}, keyword = {'New Hebrides', 'Vate Trough', 'arc', 'back', 'basalt', 'subduction', 'volcanic rock'}, title = {Relative abundances of Argon isotopes and geochronological data from volcanic rocks of the Vate Trough and New Hebrides Island arc}, url = {}, year = {2020} }