Resilience to drought of relict Mediterranean Quercus pyrenaica populations in the southern Iberian (Sierra Nevada, Spain)

Resilience to drought of relict Mediterranean Quercus pyrenaica populations in the southern Iberian Peninsula was analyzed in relation to historical records of land-use, combining dendroecological growth of adult trees and greenness (EVI) as proxies for secondary and primary growth. This dataset contains the followings data:
- Tree-ring measurements of the focal trees (in rwl files, tucson format). - Forest inventory data: Distance, azimuth, diameter at breast height (DBH), species, and total height of all neighboring living trees with DBH > 7.5 cm within a circular plot with a 10-m radius around target (focal) trees. - Annual EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) mean of pixels (250 m x 250 m) covering Quercus pyrenaica forests in Sierra Nevada (southern Spain). Data were derived from MOD13Q1 product of the MODIS sensor. MODIS EVI data were compiled for the period 2000 - 2016. We selected the pixels covering the distribution of Quercus pyrenaica forests in Sierra Nevada (n = 928 pixels). Any values affected by clouds, snow, shadows or high content aerosols, were filtered out following recommendations for mountain regions.
