Dataset Groups Activity Stream Raw incubation data from 2007-2009 for samples collected at specific depths and light levels in the NE subarctic Pacific BibTex: @dataset{Timmerman_Amanda_H_V_and_Hamme_Roberta_C_and_Giesbrecht_Karina_E_and_Emerson_Steven_R_2020, author = {Timmerman, Amanda H V and Hamme, Roberta C and Giesbrecht, Karina E and Emerson, Steven R}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.922453}, institution = {PANGAEA (Ecology)}, keyword = {'Line P', 'carbon export', 'primary production'}, title = {Raw incubation data from 2007-2009 for samples collected at specific depths and light levels in the NE subarctic Pacific}, url = {}, year = {2020} }