Dataset Groups Activity Stream Pore-water sulfate of Alvin Dive 4567 (core 27) and 4568 (core 1) (Fig. S3) BibTex: @dataset{Lin_Yu-Shih_and_Koch_Boris_P_and_Feseker_Tomas_and_Ziervogel_Kai_and_Goldhammer_Tobias_and_Schmidt_Frauke_and_Witt_Matthias_and_Kellermann_Matthias_Y_and_Zabel_Matthias_and_Teske_Andreas_P_and_Hinrichs_Kai-Uwe_2020, author = {Lin, Yu-Shih and Koch, Boris P and Feseker, Tomas and Ziervogel, Kai and Goldhammer, Tobias and Schmidt, Frauke and Witt, Matthias and Kellermann, Matthias Y and Zabel, Matthias and Teske, Andreas P and Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.922564}, institution = {PANGAEA (Chemistry)}, keyword = {'Dissolved Organic Carbon', 'Dissolved Organic Matter', 'FTICRMS', 'Guaymas Basin', 'total hydrolyzable dissolved amino acids'}, title = {Pore-water sulfate of Alvin Dive 4567 (core 27) and 4568 (core 1) (Fig. S3)}, url = {}, year = {2020} }