Plant biomass determination and stability metrics calculations analysed during the Jena Expermint from 2012 to 2015

The present study was conducted at the Jena Experiment field site from 2011 to 2015. The 48 experimental plant communities included twelve monocultures (of which one was removed from all analyses because it was planted with the wrong species), twelve 2-species mixtures, twelve 4-species mixtures and twelve 8-species mixtures. We used two community-evolution treatments (plant histories); plants with eight years of co-selection history in different plant communities in the Jena Experiment (communities of co-selected plants) and plants without such co-selection history (naïve communities). Community-level plant productivity was measured each year from 2012 to 2015 by collecting species-specific aboveground biomass twice per year in May and August. There are a total of seven harvests included in this dataset. We harvested plant material 3 cm aboveground from a 50 x 20 cm area in the centre of each half-quadrat, sorted it into species, dried it at 70°C and weighed the dry biomass. We also include a datafile with the stability metrics presented in the paper, such as resistance, recovery, and resilience to the flood, population stability and temporal stability.
