Dataset Groups Activity Stream Alkenone temperature data of Holocene lake sediment sequence GJP0114 from Svalbard BibTex: @dataset{van_der_Bilt_Willem_G_M_and_D'Andrea_William_J_and_Werner_Johannes_P_and_Bakke_Jostein_2020, author = {van der Bilt, Willem G M and D'Andrea, William J and Werner, Johannes P and Bakke, Jostein}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.923377}, institution = {PANGAEA (Lithosphere)}, keyword = {'Alkenone', 'Arctic', 'Holocene', 'Paleoclimate', 'Svalbard', 'UK37', 'lake sediments'}, title = {Alkenone temperature data of Holocene lake sediment sequence GJP0114 from Svalbard}, url = {}, year = {2020} }