Dataset Groups Activity Stream NEEM ice core nitrous oxide over the past 2000 years BibTex: @dataset{Ryu_Yeongjun_and_Ahn_Jinho_and_Yang_Ji-Woong_and_Brook_Edward_J_and_Timmermann_Axel_and_Blunier_Thomas_and_Hur_Soondo_and_Kim_Seong-Joong_2020, author = {Ryu, Yeongjun and Ahn, Jinho and Yang, Ji-Woong and Brook, Edward J and Timmermann, Axel and Blunier, Thomas and Hur, Soondo and Kim, Seong-Joong}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.923432}, institution = {PANGAEA (Cryosphere)}, keyword = {'Ice core', 'Paleoclimate', 'nitrous oxide'}, title = {NEEM ice core nitrous oxide over the past 2000 years}, url = {}, year = {2020} }