Dataset Groups Activity Stream Stable oxygen isotopes of sediment core PC27 from the north of the South China Sea BibTex: @dataset{Yin_Jiang_and_Yang_Xiaoqiang_and_Wei_Gangjian_and_Su_Zhihua_and_Zhou_Qixian_and_Chen_Qiong_and_Xie_Yixuan_2024, author = {Yin, Jiang and Yang, Xiaoqiang and Wei, Gangjian and Su, Zhihua and Zhou, Qixian and Chen, Qiong and Xie, Yixuan}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.923699}, institution = {PANGAEA (Biological Classification)}, keyword = {'Climate change', 'Sea surface temperature', 'relative paleointensity', 'stable oxygen isotope'}, month = {nov}, title = {Stable oxygen isotopes of sediment core PC27 from the north of the South China Sea}, url = {}, year = {2024} }