Dataset Groups Activity Stream Pore-water data of sediment core GeoB22032-1 BibTex: @dataset{Schnakenberg_Annika_and_Maier_Lisa_and_Wunder_Lea_C_and_Richter-Heitmann_Tim_and_Pop_Ristova_Petra_and_Bühring_Solveig_I_and_Dohrmann_Ingrid_and_Bohrmann_Gerhard_and_Kasten_Sabine_and_Friedrich_Michael_W_2020, author = {Schnakenberg, Annika and Maier, Lisa and Wunder, Lea C and Richter-Heitmann, Tim and Pop Ristova, Petra and Bühring, Solveig I and Dohrmann, Ingrid and Bohrmann, Gerhard and Kasten, Sabine and Friedrich, Michael W}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.923879}, institution = {PANGAEA (Chemistry)}, keyword = {'Antarctic sediment', 'South Georgia', 'marine sediment', 'pore', 'sub', 'water'}, title = {Pore-water data of sediment core GeoB22032-1}, url = {}, year = {2020} }