Airborne sea ice plus snow thickness during the PAMARCMIP 2017 aircraft campaign in the Arctic Ocean
Airborne observations of sea-ice plus snow thickness were made in March and April 2017 as part of the Polar Airborne Measurements and Arctic Regional Climate Model Simulation Project (PAMARCMIP) campagin series. The data record consists of 7 surveys spanning sea-ice covered areas in Fram Strait, the Lincoln Sea, Central Arctic Ocean, as well as the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. For each flight, the geolocated sea-ice plus snow thickness data from an airborne EM sensor is provided with a point spacing of approximately 5 meters. The trajectory data contains only data records with valid retrievals. Larger gaps in the trajectories arise at high-altitude calibrations of the EM sensor. Each thickness values represents the average thickness within the an area of approximately 50 meters, thus representing a smoothed representation of the true total thickness. The data is routinely used for quality control of satellite remote sensing data and for sea-ice process studies that include the sea-ice thickness distribution.