Dataset Groups Activity Stream Fractional abundances and concentrations of brGMGTs in surficial lake-bottom sediment from Lake Chala (Table S4) BibTex: @dataset{Baxter_Allix_J_and_Peterse_Francien_and_Verschuren_Dirk_and_Sinninghe_Damsté_Jaap_S_2021, author = {Baxter, Allix J and Peterse, Francien and Verschuren, Dirk and Sinninghe Damsté, Jaap S}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.926912}, institution = {PANGAEA (Lithosphere)}, keyword = {'Africa', 'Lake Chala', 'brGDGTs', 'brGMGTs'}, title = {Fractional abundances and concentrations of brGMGTs in surficial lake-bottom sediment from Lake Chala (Table S4)}, url = {}, year = {2021} }