Peak metamorphic temperatures (Tmax) from the eastern Pyrenees
These data published in this repository are associated with a paper focused on the Eastern Pyrenees. For this study, the Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Materials (RSCM) was used as a geothermometer and was calibrated in the range between 330 and 650°C by Beyssac et al. (2002a) and extended to the range between 200 and 320°C by Lahfid et al. (2010). We applied these two calibrations to estimate paleotemperatures in marbles and pelitic metasedimentary rocks from the Paleozoic to Upper Cretaceous series of the study area.
• The unique data file corresponds to a Excel table
• The collected sample and measured RSCM temperatures associated (9) was obtained between 2013 and 2017.
• First, we collected sample in the field, then each sample was transformed to thin-section and finally was analyzed by RSCM method to obtained maximum temperature (TRSCM), (for detail of the methodology see article).
• Standard Deviation (SD) and Standard Error (SE)for each sample are presented in the Table S1.
• Raman analyses were performed using a Renishaw (Wotton-under-Edge, UK) InVIA Reflex microspectrometer at the BRGM in Orléans. Before each session, the spectrometer was calibrated with silicon standard. The light source was a 514 nm Spectra Physics argon laser. The output laser power is around 20mW, but only around 1mW reached the surface sample through the DMLM Leica (Wetzlar, Germany) microscope with a 100µm objective (NAD0.90). Edge filters eliminated the Rayleigh diffusion, and the Raman light was dispersed using a 1800 gmm.1 grating before being analyzed by a Peltier-cooled RENCAM CCD detector. Measurements were performed in situ on polished thin sections cut normal to the foliation and parallel to the stretching lineation (XZ structural planes), when L1 was visible. To avoid the effect of polishing on the CM structural state, the CM particles analysed were below a transparent adjacent mineral, usually calcite or quartz (Pasteris, 1989; Beyssac et al., 2002b; Scharf et al., 2013). Eleven to eighteen points were measured for each sample with 10 to 15 accumulations of 10 seconds acquisition periods. The measured Raman spectra of the carbonaceous material were decomposed for all Raman peaks of carbon by using PeakFit (v4.06) software.