A climatological product of inorganic nutrient distributions on the Western Mediterranean Sea (BGC-WMED) derived from cruise-based measurements spanning 1981 to 2017

The western Mediterranean Sea climatology (BGC-WMED) presented here is a product derived from in situ observations, that included various data sources: in total, 2253 in-situ inorganic nutrient profiles over the period 1981-2017 have been used (Medar/MEDATLAS, Fichaut et al., 2003; the CNR-WMED biogeochemical dataset, Belgacem et al., 2019,2020; SeaDataNet data product, https://www.seadatanet.org; Mediterranean Ocean Observing System for the Environment, MOOSE, http://www.moose-network.fr/). This climatology provides an annual mean gridded nutrient fields for the period 1981-2017, and sub-periods 1981-2004 and 2005-2017, on a horizontal 1/4° × 1/4° grid. The biogeochemical climatology is built on 19 depth levels and for the dissolved inorganic nutrients nitrate, phosphate and orthosilicate. To generate smooth and homogeneous interpolated fields, an advanced N-dimensional version of DIVA, DIVAnd v2.5.1 (Barth et al., 2014), has been used.
