Dataset Groups Activity Stream Stable water isotopes and major ions in snow along a traverse route between Kohnen Station and former Plateau Station, snow profiles ANT-Land_2016_COFI_26 BibTex: @dataset{Weinhart_Alexander_Helmut_and_Kipfstuhl_Sepp_and_Mengert_Melissa_and_Götz_Pia_and_Micha_Georgia_and_Freitag_Johannes_and_Hörhold_Maria_2021, author = {Weinhart, Alexander Helmut and Kipfstuhl, Sepp and Mengert, Melissa and Götz, Pia and Micha, Georgia and Freitag, Johannes and Hörhold, Maria}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.930963}, institution = {PANGAEA (Cryosphere)}, keyword = {'18O', '2H deuterium', 'Antarctica', 'East Antarctica', 'aerosols', 'd excess', 'impurities', 'ions', 'snow', 'snow cores', 'snow profiles', 'stable water isotopes', 'surface snow'}, title = {Stable water isotopes and major ions in snow along a traverse route between Kohnen Station and former Plateau Station, snow profiles ANT-Land_2016_COFI_26}, url = {}, year = {2021} }