Agricultural land-cover, land-cover change and disturbance maps for Orenburg province of Russia for 1990-2000-2010-2018
The produced maps represent a) land cover-and land-cover change maps with a focus on agricultural land abandonment and recultivation for 1990-2000-2010-2018, b) disturbance maps, which include informal roads, oil and gas development, quarries, garbage dumps, encroachment of shrubs and trees, other disturbances for grassland mask circa 2018 Orenburg province of Russia. These datasets were produced with the supervised classification of agricultural land abandonment (secondary steppes) and recultivation from 1990 to 2018 with Landsat and Sentinel-2 products. Disturbances were mapped with high-resolution imagery circa 2018 available via GoogleEarth mapping service. Produced datasets are available in tif and supplied with accuracy assessment tables, detailed descriptions of the mapping approach.