Dataset Groups Activity Stream Concentration of the most abundant planktonic foraminifera species collected in the plankton net CALIBERIA/Ib-F1 BibTex: @dataset{Salgueiro_Emilia_and_Voelker_Antje_H_L_and_Martin_Pamela_A_and_Rodrigues_Teresa_and_Zúñiga_D_and_Froján_María_and_de_la_Granda_Francisco_and_Villacieros-Robineau_Nicolás_and_Alonso-Perez_F_and_Alberto_Ana_and_Rebotim_Andreia_and_González-Álvarez_Raquel_and_Castro_Carmen_G_and_Abrantes_Fatima_F_2021, author = {Salgueiro, Emilia and Voelker, Antje H L and Martin, Pamela A and Rodrigues, Teresa and Zúñiga, D and Froján, María and de la Granda, Francisco and Villacieros-Robineau, Nicolás and Alonso-Perez, F and Alberto, Ana and Rebotim, Andreia and González-Álvarez, Raquel and Castro, Carmen G and Abrantes, Fatima F}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.936253}, institution = {PANGAEA (Biological Classification)}, keyword = {'18O', 'Alkenone Uk37 index', 'Ca', 'Mg', 'Planktonic foraminifera', 'plankton net', 'seasonal upwelling'}, title = {Concentration of the most abundant planktonic foraminifera species collected in the plankton net CALIBERIA/Ib-F1}, url = {}, year = {2021} }