XRF data sheet: overbank silt-clay deposition sampling (4*4 km grid, Weiße Elster catchment, Salsitz-Trebnitz section)
We used stationary XRF spectrometry for analysing elemental composition of bank and streambed samples from Weiße Elster sub-basins (refined grids of 44 km). For XRF sample preparation freeze-dried catchment sediments (8 g) were seaved (2mm) to discard the gravel fraction and large organic matter. Further homogenization was undertaken by grinding the samples with a vibratory Retsch mill MM 200. We created uniform pellets by pressing the powdered samples with a carbon-based binding agent in a Vaneox press at 20 t for 2 min. We conducted elemental analyses in a He atmosphere using a Spectro Xepos energy dispersive XRF spectrometer. The XRF element data of the refined 44 km sampling grid of recent fluvial sediments in the direct proximity to the Salsitz transect are provided here. The data set has to be understood as a supplement or densification of the 8*8 km sampling grid of the Weiße Elster river catchment: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.937926.