38 kHz water column acoustic data collected in October/November 2001 during survey 01110-11 in the territorial waters of Peru

Water column acoustic data collected during the 0110-11 survey by the Peruvian Marine Research Institute, IMARPE. The survey covered the peruvian marine domain, from coast to 120 nautical miles offshore, from 3°43' to 18°20' South latitude, and from 72°18' to 84°23' West longitude. The survey was conducted in between 2001-10-07 and 2001-11-10, and consisted in 76 acoustic transects perpendicular to the coast. This was performed by the RVs Humboldt and Olaya, which worked in parallel using SIMRAD EK500 hull-mounted echosounders. Here we present calibrated processed data at 38 kHz from 10 to 750 m depth. Processing was conducted in Echoview v11.0, and included the following steps: (1) correction for sound speed, absorption, and calibration factors; (2) correction of background noise following De Robertis and Higginbottom (2007); (3) automatic removal of corrupted signal following Ryan et al. (2015); (4) manual removal of persistent corrupted signal, seabed and aliased-seabed; (5) resampling down to 10 m height and 2000 m width resolution. The present submission contains two netCDF files, one for the RV Humboldt and another for the RV Olaya, with data and metadata following the ICES standards for active acoustic systems.
