Stable nitrogen isotopes measured on TALDICE ice core reaching back to MIS 10.1
d15N (permill) measured on TALDICE ice core between 1356 and 1617 m depth. The data set includes new data published in Crotti et al. (2021), Bazin et al. (2013) and Buiron et al. (2011).
The d15N, d18Oatm and dO2/N2 (permill) ratios are measured in the air extracted from 81 ice samples between 1356 m depth and 1620 m depth. The extraction of air trapped in the ice is performed at LSCE, using a semi-automatic extraction line (Capron et al., 2010), and δ18Oatm, δ15N and δO2/N2 of air are measured using a dual inlet Delta V plus (Thermo Electron Corporation) mass spectrometer.