Dataset Groups Activity Stream Sugar biomarker analysis of Late Quaternary sediments from the Vankervelsvlei peatland at the southern Cape coast of South Africa BibTex: @dataset{Strobel_Paul_and_Bliedtner_Marcel_and_Carr_Andrew_S_and_Struck_Julian_and_Du_Plessis_Nadia_and_Glaser_Bruno_and_Meadows_Michael_E_and_Quick_Lynne_J_and_Zech_Michael_and_Zech_Roland_and_Haberzettl_Torsten_2022, author = {Strobel, Paul and Bliedtner, Marcel and Carr, Andrew S and Struck, Julian and Du Plessis, Nadia and Glaser, Bruno and Meadows, Michael E and Quick, Lynne J and Zech, Michael and Zech, Roland and Haberzettl, Torsten}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.940138}, institution = {PANGAEA (Land Surface)}, keyword = {'African Summer Monsoon', 'Compound', 'Grain Size', 'Paleoclimate', 'South Africa', 'Westerlies', 'alkane', 'alkane18Osugar paleohygrometer', 'coupled 2Hn', 'elemental geochemistry', 'hydrology', 'leaf', 'peat geochemistry', 'precipitation reconstruction', 'relative humidity', 'specific carbon isotopes', 'specific hydrogen isotopes', 'specific oxygen isotopes', 'sugars', 'wax n'}, title = {Sugar biomarker analysis of Late Quaternary sediments from the Vankervelsvlei peatland at the southern Cape coast of South Africa}, url = {}, year = {2022} }