Archive to the evolutionary study about menardiform globorotallids in the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean ODP Hole 108-667A

This archive contains raw data, intermediate and final results for the morphometric investigation of menardiform globorotallids (planktonic foraminifera) from ODP Hole 667A (Sierra Leone Rise in the eastern equatorial Atlantic Ocean; Lat: 4.569167°N, Lon: -21.911333°E ) from 33 stratigraphic levels during the past 8 million years. Complementary to previous investigations about the evolution in the Neogene Globorotalia menardii-G. limbata-G. multicamerata lineage from DSDP Holes 502 and 503, ODP Hole 925B and Hole 806C by Knappertsbusch, these data were collected to investigate the tempo and mode of evolution of the shell (=test) morphology and speciation. This dataset comprises digital images and morphometric measurements, as well as software (codes) needed to process the data according to the processing given in Friesenhagen (2022). Unpacked, the dataset has a size of 6.4 Gb (~66.500 files). The measured morphometric parameter of 6719 specimens incorporate, amongst others, the spiral height, axial length, the test area, the spiral and umbilical convexity, and the radii of the osculating circles of the upper and the lower keel region of the test in keel view. A subset of the data used in the study, their statistical treatment and illustrations of these are given alongside the publication as an electronic supplementary. The measured specimens, samples and their residuals are deposited in the micropalaeontological reference collection at the Natural History Museum Basel.
