Infrared camera raw data (ir_variocam_01) at the remote sensing site on the ice floe during MOSAiC expedition 2019/2020
The infrared camera (7.5–14 µm) was mostly observing the snow surface and aligned instruments at the remote sensing site during the MOSAiC expedition in the central Arctic, saving data in the proprietary IRB format in 10 minute intervals. The instrument used was the Infrared VarioCAM HDx head 625 S camera from InfraTec. Between October to March it was mostly working continuously while the data from April to September is more sparse. Occasional transects (remote sensing transects) and experiments were recorded in higher acquisition rates. Over the course of the expedition, the camera had several remote sensing instruments and the snow and ice surface in the field of view and can be used as a supportive dataset about the temperature and for events at the remote sensing site. It was operated always in conjunction with a visual camera (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.939362), pointing at the same target.
This raw data comes in the proprietary IRB format to open with the IRBIS 3.1 software from the InfraTec company.