Postglacial vegetation data obtained using macrofossil analysis on a peat sequence reaching ~10 000 years BP in Store Mosse bog, south-central Sweden

Peatland vegetation from an ombrotrophic bog (Store Mosse bog) located in south-central Sweden. The data include an Age & Peat Properties Dataset (peat bulk density analysis, peat accumulation rates (peat-AR), and an age model based on 16 radiocarbon dates) and a Plant Macrofossil Analysis Dataset, on a 678 cm long peat sequence which was collected in November 2018 (using a Russian corer) and reaches almost 10000 cal years BP in basal age. The plant macrofossil analysis includes 119 samples; 5 cubic cm of fresh peat per sample was gently cleaned using a 120 µm mesh sieve under running water (no pre-analysis treatment was required). The samples were analysed using a stereomicroscope (magnification ranging X10-40) for plant coverage percentages using a petri dish with a 10 x 10 mm grid as scale, and species identification was made using a high-power light microscope (based on stem and branch leaves for Sphagnum species).
