Dataset Groups Activity Stream Position of the soil samples collected from the lake shores and sample volumes from lake Tenndammen BibTex: @dataset{Poliakova_Anastasia_and_Brown_Antony_G_and_Alsos_Inger_Greve_2024, author = {Poliakova, Anastasia and Brown, Antony G and Alsos, Inger Greve}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.942518}, institution = {PANGAEA (Paleontology)}, keyword = {'Anthropogenic impact', 'Svalbard vegetation history', 'distance pollen component', 'exotic pollen', 'long', 'pollen analysis'}, month = {nov}, title = {Position of the soil samples collected from the lake shores and sample volumes from lake Tenndammen}, url = {}, year = {2024} }