Dataset of sediment analyses (pH, electrical conductivity, magnetic susceptibility, loss on ignition, and X-ray fluorescence) from the Tekkedere catchment in the Pergamon Micro-Region, western Turkey
The data support the interpretation of varying sediment facies and the reconstruction of the Mid-Late Holocene alluvial dynamics on the Tekkedere valley and the alluvial fan in the micro-region of an ancient city Pergamon, west Turkey (Yang et al. 2023). This dataset of sediment analyses was collected through the field work and laboratory measurements in the Bergama excavation house in 2019–2020. It comprises the geochemical and element composition of the sediment samples from seven sediment sequences (Tek-1, Tek-2, Tek-3, Tek-4-2, Tek-5, Tek-5-2 and Tek-6). Bulk geochemical sediment analyses include pH and electrical conductivity (EC) by a TDS/EC/pH/TEMP meter, mass magnetic susceptibility of low frequency (XLF) by Bartington magnetic susceptibility system (MS2B or MS3 sensor), and loss on ignition on 550 °C (LOI550) by temperature-controlled furnace. The element composition was analyzed using the p-XRF device. The data of sediment samples were recorded in Excel, calculated and illustrated in R software (version 3.6) (R Core Team, 2020) and imported into Inkscape software. The sample's depth is simplified by its middle depth. For the XLF measurement, the confidence intervals of the median are estimated by simple quantile bootstrapping (B = 1,000) in R. The sediment parameters of each sediment unit in this study are summarized in median and median absolute deviation (MAD, in brackets) which was calculated in R and they are descripted into 5 classes using the equal interval classification of the sediment parameters. Besides, we also summarize the sediment description guide during the field work and include the field photos of the sediment profiles from the alluvial fan.